Restore your Body!
What is RST (Rossiter Stretching Technique)
RST (Rossiter Stretching Technique) is a series of powerful and effective two-person pin-and stretch release techniques for addressing structural pain and restriction of movement at its source, the body’s fascia, ligaments, tendons, collagen, elastin – collectively called connective tissue. Tight connective tissue is the source of stress, immobility, and pain in the body.
Quite simply, RST (Rossiter Stretching Technique) is a powerful new way to help clients out of pain.
It is a series of more than 100 two-person stretching techniques that very quickly target a volume of connective tissue and loosen and elongate it to relive pain and to restore range of motion and easy movement.
Each RST session is called a “workout,” because two people – client and coach, work together to achieve results. The client remains fully clothed on a mat on the floor, and the stretching coach uses his or her foot to add weight to specific areas of the client’s body for each technique. The client is an active, involved participant – the person responsible for finding pain and stretching hard to remove it from the body.

RST stretches the body from the inside out – while other bodyworks work from the outside in. It’s a quick, effective and most importantly non-invasive way to get the results you want. The proprietary locking concept engages the other 90% of connective tissue that is not being focused on. This creates a tensile framework for the specific stretch to occur within.
Developed through the concept of Rolfing – Rossiter Stretches utilizes weight (with the foot) for greater traction and active participation for maximum results.