Yoni Steam (V-Steam)

Yoni Steam (V-Steam)

In ancient Sanskrit, Yoni is known as “sacred temple” or pathway, a place to access our wisdom, our power. We all come from this magical profound place. And yet generally, we don’t honor this sacred place. It takes courage to reconnect with ourselves and to honor ourselves.
Yoni Steam herbs and seat-also known as Vaginal Steaming—is a practice in which a woman allows the warmth of a mild organic herbal steam to permeate the exterior of her vagina up into the womb. During the V steam you will be placed in a private room on a specially designed chair and draped in a full length robe. Respected by healers around the globe, Yoni Steaming is an opportunity to reconnect with your body.

V Steaming have been found by women throughout history to:

How is a Yoni or V steam done?

During the Vaginal Steaming, you are Within the privacy of walls, you are in a full length gown or Designer Robe. This is a very gentle process which involves sitting on a custom, one of a kind Yoni chair that is hand-crafted locally in Orange County with a cushioned seat that has an opening. Each seat is thoroughly sanitized with hospital grade disinfectant after each use and then covered in a freshly cleaned towel. Mild steaming organic herbs are placed under the opening and the herbal infused steam gently permeates the Yoni into the womb.

Where does the practice originate?

The Yoni (Vaginal) Steam dates back thousands of years and is seen in almost every indigenous cultures. from Africa, Asia, India, the Mayan, Greece, Palau and Native American cultures. Known as Yoni Steam, V- Steams, Vaginal Steaming, Chai-yok, or Bajos, Yoni Steaming has been used as a common ritual to honor and connect with feminine energy. Yoni Steams can be utilized to restore balance and clear away stagnation and many other issues. It’s popularity has been steadily growing in the West, and for good reason.

Yoni Steaming allows women to reconnect with their bodies in a positive loving way which helps to clear blocked energy. There is a wisdom worth exploring in practices that have been passed down for centuries. At Inner Journey Wellness Center, we are dedicated to honoring a tradition for women to experience a positive and relaxing way to nurture and connect with themselves. This takes place in our private, modern and tranquil setting.

When should I avoid doing a V steam?

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