RIFE ~ Resonant Light Therapy
What is a “Rife machine”? A Rife machine is a research instrument invented by Raymond Royal Rife. Rife machines are devices which emit audio frequencies or radio frequencies applied in some fashion to an individual with the intent of bettering the individual’s health. The Rife helps increase the body’s communication and ability to fight off different diseases, as well as rebuild, regenerate, and bring healing to different bodily systems and organs.
A Rife machine presumably works on the principle of sympathetic resonance, which states that if there are two similar objects and one of them is vibrating, the other will begin to vibrate as well, even if they are not touching. In the same way that a sound wave can induce resonance in a crystal glass and ultra-sound can be used to break up kidney stones, a Rife machine uses sympathetic resonance to physically vibrate offending bacteria, viruses and parasites resulting in their destruction and elimination from the body.
By increasing the intensity of a frequency, which resonated naturally with the microbes, Rife’s research indicated that if natural oscillations were increased, there was a threshold under which the microorganism was destroyed.
Every pathogen has their own unique frequency called a Resonant Frequency. Rife therapy uses single frequencies to attack micro-organisms, as well as pairs of frequencies, selected to resonate with one frequency specific to the micro-organism, while the other frequency is selected to increase the efficacy of the resonate frequency. This also increases communication of the cells.
Rife therapy uses hundreds of different frequencies to destroy numerous types of micro-organisms (bacteria, phages, macrophages, viruses, fungus, mold, etc.).
Along with matching the frequency used to destroy pathogens, Rife therapy also has the capability to match the frequency of healthy organs and tissues in the body to stimulate the rebuilding and repair of the human body. Dr. Rife found out that healthy organs and cells in the body have specific frequencies and that matching the frequency actually reawakens dormant or unhealthy cells in a person to start properly functioning. This brings rejuvenation and repair to cells that are in need of healing.
There are literally millions of different resonant frequencies, and every species and molecule has its very own. Rife Frequency Therapy has been applied by Healthcare Practitioners for a variety of health concerns for almost a hundred years.
- Lyme disease
- Aids
- H Pylori/Food Poisoning
- Tuberculosis
- Cancer/Tumors
- Colds/Flu/Pneumonia
- Bugs: Virus/Bacteria/Parasite/Mite/Amoeba/Mold/Fungi/Bug
- Hormones
- Pain and inflammation
- Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Ideally, you would discuss your health goals with us to create a program that works for you.
It is best to do multiple sessions back-to-back, daily if possible. The closer you can couple sessions together, the stronger the healing effects.
YES. Rife is non-invasive in the sense that the skin is not broken and there is no damage to normal, healthy tissues and cells etc. The frequencies and voltages are purposely in the range that only are harmful to cancer cells, bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc., and not healthy tissue or gut bacteria. Rife is non-toxic (little or no side effects other than the standard kill-off effect, i.e. “Herxheimer reaction”, caused by any modality that destroys pathogens and necessitates the body having to clean up and detoxify the mess. This is a well-known and documented effect of any treatment that actually works. It has no ionizing radiation and so cannot cause damage to tissue, the immune system, DNA breakage, etc.)
YES. Rife can be used synergistically with most other treatment protocols (including medicine) without the danger of harmful interactions as is the case with drug therapy. It is speculated that using Rife along with chemotherapy can actually help the chemo better target that tumor.
What to wear: Dress in comfortable attire for your Rife session. Please avoid wearing any metal including an underwire bra:
What to drink: Please come to your appointment hydrated.
What to eat: Choose alkalizing foods for your meals on the day of your session such as vegetables, dark leafy greens, fruits, seeds and avocados.
What to expect: The Rife is an amazing therapy for restoring balance and health to the body. During the course of your session, you will be seated while frequencies from the Rife machine are emitted through glass bulbs. These frequencies are audible and can vary from soft tones to loud and pulsating.
The duration of each session varies based on the needs of each client and will be discussed prior to your scheduled visit. Here are some sensations you may experience during or after your session:
Tingling or pulsing sensations
Sense of wellness and relaxation, even sleep – Skin sensitivity and possible itchiness
Headache or lethargy
How often to repeat this therapy: A protocol of 5 days on and 2 days off is recommended.
Clients can experience a healing response when doing detoxification therapies. Healing responses are called Herxheimer reactions (skin reactions, headaches, fatigue, etc.) which are normal signs of detoxification or healing that may occur hours up to days after a Rife session. The frequencies emitted by the Rife machine are targeting pathogens in the body that will ultimately need to be excreted through the bowels, urinary tract and skin. Hydration is key to flushing this debris and helping with the detoxification process. Excessive reactions may indicate the body needs further support in detoxification and healing.
If any of the conditions below apply to you, consult your physician prior to use:
Pacemakers, implanted pain modulators, insulin delivery systems, or defibrillators – because they have battery systems. While generally shielded now, magnetic field exposure directly over devices may shut them off.
Myasthenia gravis – muscle weakness may be aggravated temporarily; however, patients report overall improvement in muscle strength.